HIPAA-approved social media guidelines for businesses

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) was established with the goal of protecting the privacy of medical providers and their patients. The act sets standards for how healthcare organizations must protect patient information, including what kind of security measures must be in place to keep data safe. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at some best practices for social media use in HIPAA-compliant organizations.

What social media actions violate HIPAA rules?

Posting patients’ protected health information (PHI) on social media without the patients’ permission or authority, even if it’s accidentally, is a violation of HIPAA regulations. This includes actions like:

What are the consequences of violating HIPAA?

The healthcare industry should never treat HIPAA violations lightly. If an employee is found guilty of breaking a HIPAA rule, they could face fines between $100 and $1.8 million depending on the severity of the violation. They could also face a 10-year jail sentence, lawsuits, job termination, and revocation of their medical license.

How can healthcare organizations prevent violations?

There are simple ways to avoid HIPAA violations while using social media:

By taking the steps outlined in this article, you can create a safe and confidential environment for all patients. Feel free to call us today if you need help in creating policies and procedures to ensure your staff’s compliance with HIPAA social media rules, or if you need help managing the IT and privacy of your healthcare organization.

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