4 Ways to keep your servers cool

For any organization, servers are important for storing business data. This is why you should make sure that your servers are well-maintained. If not, their operating temperatures will rise, which can lead to server instability or even data loss. Read on to learn how to keep your servers at ideal temperatures.

How does high temperature affect servers?

A server’s reliability decreases if its temperature rises above 70 degrees Fahrenheit. When servers reach these temperatures, they will start to perform poorly, as will the computers connected to them. Maintaining a consistent temperature for your servers is critical for optimal performance and to avoid significant data loss and service outages.

Methods to keep servers cool

Here are the four best methods to keep your servers running at optimal temperatures.

Servers work best if they are kept at a cool temperature constantly. While manufacturers continue to develop more resilient servers, proper care and maintenance still play a vital role in ensuring high operating quality and longevity.

Contact us today if you need additional information about server management or have any other questions regarding your server setup.

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