
Category: Windows

3 Reasons not to bypass Windows 11’s TPM requirement

Microsoft released Windows 11 in October 2021. As of October 2022, only 15.44% of PCs around the world run the new operating system (OS); 71.29% are still using Windows 10. One possible reason for the slow adoption of the new OS is that Windows 11 would not install on devices that lack Trusted Platform Module […]

Upgrade your business email with Microsoft Exchange Online

Small businesses are often under the misconception that they must invest heavily in an on-premises IT system to get enterprise-level email capabilities. Fortunately, that’s not the case with Microsoft Exchange Online. This cloud-based email solution offers the same great features as an on-premises Exchange Server but without the cost and complexity of deployment. In this […]

Boost productivity and cut costs with Microsoft Exchange Online

Microsoft Exchange Server has long been the gold standard in enterprise-level email solutions, but many small businesses have shied away from it due to the cost and complexity of setting up and managing an on-premises server. Fortunately, Microsoft now offers Exchange Online, a cloud-based version of its popular email solution. Let’s take a look at […]

Exploring Exchange Online: Why small businesses should choose Microsoft’s cloud solution

For years, Microsoft Exchange Server has been the go-to choice for businesses looking to manage their emails, contacts, and calendars efficiently. However, small businesses often saw the complex setup and maintenance of an on-premises server as too daunting and costly. With the introduction of Exchange Online, Microsoft has created a powerful cloud solution that offers […]

How to optimize your Windows 11 PC for better performance

Windows 11 offers a remarkable user experience with its impressive visuals, stylish animations, and amazing features. Unfortunately, the high system requirements needed for all these new features have resulted in a significant decrease in overall computer performance. In this blog post, we provide you with the steps to adjust your Windows 11 settings and improve […]

Boost your Windows 11 PC’s speed and performance with these simple steps

Microsoft Windows 11 is filled with useful features. However, some users have experienced decreased performance on their PCs or laptops after upgrading from Windows 10. In this article, we’ll give you tips on how to optimize the speed and performance of your Windows 11 computer. Make sure you have the latest Windows updates and device […]

Maximize Windows 11 performance: Top tips and tricks

If you’ve made the switch to Windows 11, then you are familiar with its new features, effects, and animations. You’ve also probably noticed that upgrading to Windows 11 resulted in a decrease in PC performance. To help improve your system’s speed and optimize your Windows 11 experience, follow the useful tips and tricks we’ve outlined […]

How to repurpose your old, sluggish computer

Has your computer been a little sluggish lately? Is it always crashing or freezing? If yes, you may be tempted to go out and buy a new one. But then what do you do with your old PC? Here are five ways to repurpose your old computer instead of getting rid of it. Set up […]

Ways to breathe new life into your outdated computer

If you’re like most people, you probably think it’s time to buy a new computer when it starts to slow down or crash all the time, and when it’s just generally not meeting your needs. But before you go shopping for a new computer, consider all of the ways that your old one could still […]

Performing a fresh reboot of Windows 11

If you are having performance issues, problems shutting down, booting up, memory or apps on your computer, you may have to perform a clean install of Windows 11. A clean install of Windows 11 entails wiping out all existing system files and reinstalling the operating system from scratch. This helps to resolve any conflicts that […]


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