
Category: whaling

Watch out! These social engineering tricks could fool anyone

While it’s easy to blame cyberattacks on sophisticated hacking, the truth is that many attackers rely on social engineering — a craft of deception designed to manipulate people into giving up sensitive information or access. The scary part? It’s not just high-tech companies that get targeted, it’s all of us. Here’s a breakdown of the… Continue reading Watch out! These social engineering tricks could fool anyone

Think like a scammer to spot social engineering tricks

Ever wondered how scammers manage to trick so many people? It’s because they’re masters of persuasion. While their methods may vary, social engineering tactics all focus on one thing: manipulating human behavior to steal personal data or corporate secrets. Here are some of their most-used tricks — because knowing their game is the first step… Continue reading Think like a scammer to spot social engineering tricks

The most common social engineering tactics you need to know about

Social engineering is a type of attack where scammers take advantage of trust to steal personal information, money, or access. It’s alarmingly effective, and methods are only getting more sophisticated. To help you recognize these scams, we’ve compiled a list of the most common social engineering tactics. Phishing Phishing is one of the most well-known… Continue reading The most common social engineering tactics you need to know about


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