
Category: Privacy Badger

Here’s how to avoid security threats on the web

Malicious actors wait in the virtual shadows while you do internet searches, scroll through your social media feeds, or use company apps online. Just by browsing the web, your workers increase the risk of exposing sensitive and critical data, which is why everyone in your organization must learn how to avoid cyberthreats. Here are some […]

Tips for safely browsing the web

Even if they’re only browsing the internet, your staff members are vulnerable to all sorts of data security threats, especially when they work remotely, use multiple devices, or connect to various networks. As a business owner, you must put browser security measures in place to minimize the risk of data loss. Install anti-malware software Browsers […]

Steps you must take to use web browsers securely

Visiting unsecure sites and consequently getting your device infected with malware is not the only way you may be jeopardizing your business’s data when surfing the web. Among other things, you might also be letting adware and browser trackers run amok in your browsers. To protect your business, follow these steps. Install anti-malware software Browsers […]


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