
Day: June 16, 2023

Is It Illegal To Track Your Employees’ Activities When They’re Working From Home?

Along with the surge of people working from home or in hybrid situations over the last few years, there has also been an increase in employers looking for ways to monitor their employees’ work activities to ensure they actually ARE working when remote. This is no surprise given the new “quiet quitting” trend that has… Continue reading Is It Illegal To Track Your Employees’ Activities When They’re Working From Home?

The Shocking Facts About The New FTC Safeguards Rule That Affect Nearly EVERY Small Business Operating Today

As former President Ronald Regan once said, the scariest words you’ll ever hear are “We’re from the government, and we’re here to help.” In this case, the government is trying to help by forcing nearly all businesses to implement and maintain a strong cyber security program to protect the customer information these companies host –… Continue reading The Shocking Facts About The New FTC Safeguards Rule That Affect Nearly EVERY Small Business Operating Today

The One Lesson Business Owners Miss When Training Employees That Can Cost Them Thousands

Training employees on anything can be an expensive process. You incur the cost of investing in necessary materials plus the time it takes away from your employees doing revenue-generating activities. But what’s worse when it comes to cyber security training is the expense you’ll incur if that training fails. Recent studies show that human error… Continue reading The One Lesson Business Owners Miss When Training Employees That Can Cost Them Thousands

5 Essential Tech Tools To Grow Your Business And 2 You Should NOT Waste Your Money On

Growing your business involves learning how to make money and hang on to it responsibly. When you’re in the weeds, it’s easy to think that a fancy piece of well-marketed software could help dig your way out. That’s usually not the case, and you’ll likely end up paying for software that you dont need and… Continue reading 5 Essential Tech Tools To Grow Your Business And 2 You Should NOT Waste Your Money On

Why defragmentation is essential for your computer

Our computers have become essential tools for work, entertainment, and communication. But with constant use, their performance will eventually decrease because of file fragmentation. One ideal solution to this problem is defragmentation. Read on to learn about the importance of defragmentation and how it can optimize the performance of your computer. Understanding fragmentation Fragmentation occurs… Continue reading Why defragmentation is essential for your computer

Optimize your system through defragmentation

We rely on our computers to function smoothly and effectively, whether we’re using them for personal tasks or professional pursuits.. However, over time, our systems can become sluggish and unresponsive due to fragmentation. One of the most effective ways to optimize computer performance is through defragmentation. In the following sections, we’ll explore the importance of… Continue reading Optimize your system through defragmentation

Boost your PC’s performance: The power of defragmentation

One often overlooked but essential computer maintenance task is defragmentation. Defragmentation plays a vital role in organizing and optimizing our storage systems, resulting in improved speed, efficiency, and overall system performance. In this article, we will delve into the importance of defragmentation and how it can help enhance your computer’s performance. Understanding fragmentation Fragmentation occurs… Continue reading Boost your PC’s performance: The power of defragmentation


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